
Test tube babies created in test tube or in vitro, in this process sperm and egg cell combine in test tube and it starts development and after this it is shifted to mother uterus. In vitro or outside the woman’s womb fertilization practice is done because of ovarian diseases and male low sperm count, erection problem in test tube babies the sperm and egg cell both are collected from donors or one from donor. Shell of egg is removed and the sperm fertilize the egg and then this fertilized egg starts growing in a nutrition solution, after some maturity this cell cluster shifted into mother uterus and this a very technical and sensitive process.After this a normal growth of fetus starts, and after nine months a baby is born. Test tube babiesrequire a healthy egg cell, which is isolated from female and sperm from other donor and fertilize them outside the body of mother, now it is common in western world because when a partner is failed to contribute his or her share then donor assist this process of fertilization. The next process of fertilization to development of zygote goes on in mother uterus.


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