Shisha smoking facts

Shisha is now become popular in urban areas of subcontinent, basically it is modern name of hookah while it is also known by different names like hubble-bubble pipe. Shisha contain following parts a vase, which is filled by water for filtration of smoke, top of shisha is a bowl that contains tobacco, over this coal placed that heat up tobacco and under this is a tray for ash collection. When smoker inhale this air comes down tobacco and enter in hose and then to the mouth of smoker. The smoke touches water that is present in vase.
Shisha origin is not exactly known however, it is now famous among the youngsters and it is offered by hotels and restaurants. People believed that shisha is safe for health, but it is not true and it is fact that tobacco contain nicotine and other harmful substances. So it is clear that tobacco is harmful if it is used in cigarette or shisha however, in shisha it is used in flavor.
Shisha has more harmful than cigarette because it contains more nicotine and more carcinogen, similarly the concentration of carbon mono oxide is also high and other chemicals such as arsenic, cobalt, chromium and lead are present in shisha. It is also wrong that water, which is present in shisha absorb or filter harmful substances, shisha is more dangerous if it is smoked in congested places or covered areas.
Shisha cause different types of ailments such as lung cancer, mouth and urinary bladder cancer. In shisha coal is used and because of this it contains high concentration of carbon mono oxide, shisha also increase the risk of asthma, bronchitis, heart disease, colds and allergies. According to medical point of view shisha is harmful not only for smokers, but it is also harmful for passive smokers. In modern resturents shisha lounge and bars has been opend.


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