Flu is a serious problem and it brings many discomforts. If someone diagnosed flu, then he or she should stay at-home because it is a communicable disease. Flu is a medical disorder, which is caused by a virus and can be protected by some basic precautions. Flu victims should consult their doctors and follow their instruction and medications, but it can cure without any medicine at home with the help of some basic home remedies. Flu is also called influenza, it is communicable respiratory infection and it is dispersed from virus. The virus is very tiny particle that can enter into human body by mucous membrane from nose and mouth passages. Usually this virus is shifted from one person to another by sneezing and coughing, in this process the virus suspended in air and enter into another person. Flu has many common symptoms by which we can easily understand that it is the attack of flu just as cough, fever, sore throat, nasal blockage, body aches and mild to severe chill. Antiviral drugs can provide relief from flu in most of the cases, but some simple home remedies also provide comfort and relief from this disorder, however in some countries flu vaccines are applied for this disorder.
The influenza virus also enter into body by touching the virus contaminated surface. There is more chance of virus where people are in close contact like buses and schools. The children are more at risk and they got this viral infection from schools and bring back to their homes, similarly old ages people and those who are weak also become the victim of this disorder. Most of the people and even physician cannot differentiate between flu and cold, but they are different because both have different types of viruses. There are three different types of flu viruses are prevailing known as type A, B and C, mostly type A virus is present in human, chickens and ducks. The type B virus is seen in humans and type C is reported in dogs, pigs and human. Flu is a communicable health problem and can easily transferred to another person by the virus, it is viral disease and because of this easily shift from one another. Virus is so tiny organism which cannot see by naked eye and it wonder in the air and some objects like doors, vehicles seats, handles, utensil and common household things. We get it from a person who is suffering from this easily because it spread around the victims surroundings.
Flu causes

Flu is communicable health issue and it is because of an influenza virus, mostly person catch it from an area where the virus is in abandon form just as the area where a flu victim is coughing or sneezing. It is also transferred through touching the affected person body or things because all his / her belongings are contaminated with this virus. It is difficult to differentiate between flu and cold because both have the same symptoms. Flu virus affect throat, nose and lungs.

Flu symptoms

Flu is viral health disorder and it can easily affect number of people in the short time, the initial symptom for this is fever. The other clear symptoms are chilling, sneezing, headache, body ache and runny nose. However, sore throat, sneezing and dry cough remains after the relief of flu. Many symptoms finished after three to four days, but patient feel weakness afterward.

Flu home remedies

1. Bed rest is necessary in this problem and fast relief.
2. Flu patient should be isolate from other family members because it is communicable disease.
3. Flu dehydrate your body quickly and for this drink more clan water and electrolyte drinks.
4. Flu cause sore throat and for the relief of this you have to gargle with salty water.
5. Use quilt or blanket to avoid chills.
6. Take vitamin C which improve your immune system.


Written by Admin

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