The teeth are tough organ, which is present in mouth or oral cavity. The main function of teeth is to break the food into small piece that is known as chewing. Moreover, it gives a definite beautiful structure to face and it also helpful in sound producing. Tooth has two main segments like root and crown and they are situated on gums. The crown is that part of the teeth that are above the gum and it grind the food, while the structure of crown on the top has ridges. The part of teeth those are in the gum is called root that is fixed in the bony socket called alveolus. Teeth has two to three small roots in the socket. The teeth contain three sheath or layers known as enamel, dentin and pulp. The pulp is the internal sensitive and soft part of the teeth that contains vessels and soft tissue in the middle. The blood vessels and nerves are present in the pulp that gives support and nourishment to outer parts of the teeth. Dentin cover the pulp, which is hard than the pulp because of collagen fibers and hydroxylapatite. The dentin layer is permeable and it permits the nutrients to reach in enamel and other parts of the teeth. Enamel is the outer most layer of the teeth and it is a covering sheath that protect the dentin, which is not porous or permeable. Enamel is made up by hydroxylapatite that is hardest material for protection.
Teeth are divided into four main types like incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. Incisors are present in the front line and have chisel-shaped teeth those cut the food into small pieces. Canine teeth are adjacent with the incisors from both sides and they have pointed nature that is helpful for tearing flash. Premolars and molars are comparatively big flat surface teeth, which are situated backside of the mouth they help in grinding and chewing the food. New born babies are without any teeth, while they get temporary set of teeth in between six months to three years and they have eight incisor four canines, and eight molars. These temporary teeth shed after six years gradually and permanent teeth replace the temporary teeth. The adult teeth push-up thetemporary teeth and replace it and in this way thirty two teeth form and erupt. Initially twenty eight teeth develop in between eleven to thirteen years while the wisdom teeth develop later. The teeth have proper function, but some time there are some disorders occurs in teeth like tooth decay and cavities. Tooth decay is defined as it is simply enamel erosion due to bacterial acid and to prevent this it is necessary that take care of oral hygiene. It is recommended that regular twice a day brushing with quality toothpaste is must. If decay is not properly treated it converts into cavities. In cavities a small opening develop in enamel and dentin that should be filled with hard material.
Teeth are necessary and prominent part of our face, so they show their personality and your health status. There is a lot of methods has implemented for hygiene of teeth, similarly there are number of tooth pastes are available in the market for teeth whitening. Before discussing teeth whitening find out causes of teeth darkening, these are taking tea, coffee, wine and fizzy drinks. Smoking and medicine also cause teeth staining and after that all these factors affect tooth enamel, that is outer most part of the tooth and it is a protective layer of tooth. Teeth hygiene is compulsory for every person, you have to visit your dentist for every six month. To avoid from teeth and gums problems you should paste your teeth twice a day, and especially when you take sugar diet like chocolates, tea or coffee.Advice your children that they should paste their teeth before go to bed. Avoid fizzy drinks and foods those contains acid contents. It is not necessary that you take an expensive tooth paste but you need a tooth paste that contain more fluoride, moreover you can use Miswak as a substitute of toothpaste.
Homemade teeth whitening tips and recipes

1. Make a mixture of three teaspoon baking soda and one teaspoon table salt and apply it to your teeth as a tooth powder.
2. For staining teeth use a paste of one teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of table salt.
3. Make a mixture with half teaspoon backing soda and water and use it for teeth whitening.
4. Take 1 teaspoon backing soda and add few drops of hydrogen peroxide, use this paste twice a week for teeth whitening.


Written by Admin

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