Loss of Libido

Libido or reduced or lost interest in sex

commonly refers to sexual urge, drive, or desire. It can happen for many causes, including stress in men daily lives, from illnesses,often as a side effect of medications, psychiatric problems, and reduced levels of male sex hormones. Also, uneven sexual desire, at times, between you and your partner are normal and inevitable in long-term relationships. It is how you handle these challenges that makes the difference.

Libido does vary from person to person

from male to female.In a general sense, the word libido is used to describe the basic desire for sex.Libido in both men and women is directly tied to testosterone.

Men contains more testosterone 
than Women that is about 40%, because of this the men are more involve in sex than women. The testosterone is also present in other mammals. Lowered levels of testosterone can be the cause of lowered sex drive in both men and women, and in some cases, testosterone therapy has been effective in dealing with lowered libido, especially for menopausal women.
Causes of low libido in men

Age, Stress, Anxiety, Medication, Poor health.

Causes Of low libido in women

Depression, Stress, Fatigue, Trauma, Loss of inlimricy with partner, anexiety about sexul performance, low testosterone.


Written by Admin

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