Simple Technique for Self Improvement and Self Growth

Nowadays, there is a growing interest in self growth and self improvement techniques. There is a growing number of books, articles and websites dealing with these topics.
It seems that people are turning within them, to find the solution to their problems. They seek knowledge, techniques, workshops, lectures, and teachers, who can show them the way.
People are beginning to understand that self improvement and self growth can improve the quality of their lives.
The process of inner change requires inner work.
It is not enough to read articles and books. You also have to practice what you read. Inner change requires motivation, desire, ambition, perseverance and dedication.

When ou starting with a self improvement program, it is common to encounter inner resistance that comes from your old habits and from your subconscious mind, and also resistance and opposition from the people around you.
The desire to change, build new habits and improve oneself must be strong enough to resist laziness, the desire to give up, and the fear and ridicule of opposition from family, friends or colleagues.
A simple technique
Let me tell you something about myself. I have been attracted to self improvement from an early age, and have regarded it as a source of inner strength and happiness, and a way to a improve my life.

One of the most useful techniques I discovered, was a simple, but very effective technique. It consisted of watching how people behaved and acted in various situations, and then looking inside myself, to find out if I behaved in the same way under the same conditions.
When I saw people with certain traits of character, or a certain kind of behavior that I did not like, I examined myself to see whether I possessed them too. If I did, I visualized and rehearsed in my mind a different sort of behavior. In my mind's eye, I saw myself with the opposite traits of character.
I visualized myself in various situations, in which I manifested the new behavior.
When I encountered traits of character or behavior, which I liked, I used to think about their advantages and benefits, and about their importance in my life. Here too, I used visualization and affirmations, and endeavored to enact them in my daily life.
In this way, I learned and benefited a lot from the behavior and actions of the people around me, at work, at home, on the street, and everywhere else. It was never for the purpose of judging them or taking advantage of them, but for learning how to act, react and behave in a better way.
This process had another benefit. It increased the knowledge and understanding about how the mind and thoughts influence the behavior and actions of people.

Tips for a Simple Self Growth Technique

1. Look around you and watch how people behave in various circumstances. Watch the people you meet at home, work, at the supermarket, on the bus, train and on the street. You may also watch and learn from people being interviewed on TV.
2. Watch how people talk, walk and react, and how they are treated by others.
3. Pay attention to the way people use their voice and how they react to other people's voices. Watch how you feel and how you react when people shout, or speak softly. Watch what happens when people get angry, restless and upset, and what happens to you and others, when they are calm and relaxed.
4. If you do not like what you see, analyze why you do not like it, and then analyze your own behavior to find out, whether you behave in the same way. Be honest and impartial in your analysis.
5. When you discover that you possess some of these undesirable traits of character and behavior, affirm to yourself often that every time you catch yourself indulging in these traits or behavior, you are going to be aware of them, and do your best to avoid them.
6. Play in your mind a mental scene of how you would like to behave. Repeat it several times a day, every day.
7. When you detect in someone a sort of behavior or character traits you like and desire to possess, try to act in a similar way. Here too, visualize several times each day a scene, where you act and behave in that different way.
8. Think and visualize over and again in your mind how you would like to act and behave. Constantly, remind yourself of the changes you desire to make, and strive to act according to them. Every time that you find yourself acting according to your old habit, remember your decision to change and improve, and act accordingly.
9. Do not be disappointed or frustrated if you do not attain fast results. It does not matter how many times you fail or forget to behave as you desired. Persevere with your efforts and never give up, and you will begin to see how you and your life change.


Written by Admin

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