Pregnancy test is basically test of hormone, which is released in blood and urine when you missed your periods and it is detected more or on peak level after 20 days of missed periods. The hormone, which is found in urine is human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) so a pregnancy test can be conducted at home with the help of special device or pregnancy test kit. When an egg is fertilized by sperm in fallopian tube and this egg attached with the wall of uterus, and hCG released. At home commonly two types of devices uses like test strip or dipstick which are dip or hold in urine and if this strip change color it is confirmed that you are pregnant because the presence of hCG change the color it means when there is hCG in urine the pregnancy is confirmed. To get accurate result pregnancy test at home should be conducted in the morning. The pregnancy tests kit can be purchased from medical stores without prescription and these are easy to handle. The pregnancy tests kit check before the use that is it expire or not and read carefully the instructions and method which are given on this strips. Home pregnancy tests can be exact and fine, but if the test is done after a week of missed period.
Fertilization is a natural process and after this process the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone starts its production which mixed in blood and urine. In the initial period of pregnancy the hormone ratio in blood is at peak and even increases after two to three days. There are various test methods which can easily detect the pregnancy at home. Pregnancy tests are based on hormone presence in blood or in urine and that is why it is an easy task to confirm the pregnancy through urine. Pregnancy test by urine is very simple just place the dipstick in urine containers for five to ten seconds or place it in urine stream. This test gives result after few minutes by indicating plus or minus sign, color changing of strip, similarly there are many other indicators are also being used for this. This is most important that when you check thepregnancy test at home then be careful about instructions or cautions because the result of test will be based on the instructions. It is also necessary that how the result will be confirmed and for this contact the test manufacturing company or device made organization. The reliability of home pregnancy test is based on instruction of kit or method used or matching result with colors or chart or with indicator.
Home pregnancy test is very accurate and confirmed if it is done under the instruction of the manufacturer. However, some drugs can affect the test, but contraceptive pills or antibiotic cannot alter this test report. After, taking test it is compulsory that check the test result as soon as possible or follow the given instructions. Intake of maximum amount of liquid or water can indicate a fake negative result, to get an exact result or confirmed result conduct the test early in the morning because in that time the urine is more concentrated with hormones. If someone gets different pregnancy test result in different days, then it is best to confirm it with blood test. It is important because in this way a future mother will take extra care of her child or plan her schedules according to her internal change. If the periods does not start, then repeat the test to confirm the pregnancy and if the result of home pregnancy tests are negative, but still you periods are stopped and in this situation you cannot confirm your pregnancy, then it is wise to go your doctor. There are various reasons behind the negative pregnancy report like weakness, weight loss and hormones imbalance. If there is no sign of pregnancy, then consult your doctor for regulating periods.


Written by Admin

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