Hypertension or high blood pressure is a common ailment in the world, the blood pressure is measured with the help of blood pressure apparatus. Blood pressure is measured in systolic pressure and diastolic pressure, systolic pressure is the reading of heart beat while the diastolic pressure is time or pause between two beats. The blood pressure, which is 140/90 mm Hg and higher than this is taken as high blood pressure or hypertension. High blood pressure is a main cause behind the heart attacks, kidney problem and strokes. The common reasons of high blood pressure are easy lifestyle, overweight, alcohol consumption, oral contraceptives, painkillers and kidney problems. This serious ailment can be treated with simple home remedies.
Garlic has some useful properties of lowering the cholesterol level in the blood and in this way it controls high blood pressure. To avoid high blood pressure eat one to two garlic cloves daily basis, similarly its extract can be used for same purpose. Use five to six drops of garlic juice and add in water then take them two times in a day.
Another high blood pressure home remedy is just eat one or two banana a day, banana contain potassium that maintain high blood pressure in control. At, the same time it contains low sodium, which is beneficent for high blood pressure patients.
Honey is the best home remedy for high blood pressure because it affects on the blood arteries and veins and relax them. It is very easy just take one or two teaspoon of honey on a daily basis. It is more effective if it is taken as an empty stomach and it can be mixed with water.
Coconut water is also used in lowering the high blood pressure, it is recommended that just drink coconut water that has properties of lowering the high blood pressure. Coconut water is also helpful in hydration of body.
Watermelon seeds also used in lowering high blood pressure because this seed dilate the blood vessels and bring easy in blood flow. These seed also helpful in arthritis or joint pains.


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