Freckles, which is known Ephelides in medical language and in this problem brown or black round spots that range in size from about two millimeters to four millimeters appear on sun exposed area of skin. Freckles are commonly seen on light skin complexion. Normally these brown spot or freckles seen on face, neck or exposed skin, these freckles may change in to dark shade if the skin is exposed to sun for longer period. Freckles are more sensitive due to light and especially UV which are present in sunlight and this condition will flare up under the sun. The two main types of freckles are ephelides and lentigines, ephelides is considered a hereditary and in this case flat red or brownish spots originate in hot weather while in lentigines brown are black spot appears and these are dark in color as compare to ephelides and this condition persist even in winter. Freckles does not harm and because of this normally patients does not treat them however, patients looks for remedies because of aesthetic point of view. The freckles are treated with the help of bleaching products, topical application, light therapy and laser treatment. The freckles should be consulted with dermatologist or physician because it can be converted into other serious problems. If the freckles changes their color, then it can be alarming.
Protect your skin from sun exposure and it is the best treatment, for this purpose use sun blockers or sun screen. The job nature also a cause of freckles and for this protect your body and face from direct sunlight, use hat for their face protection. Take a keen observation regarding freckles or any change in your skin, if found something new or freckles change their color, then visit your doctor. Freckles spots are more prominent on face than the other skin and it is observed that light or fair skin person are more on risk about this skin issue. Freckles enhances if skin is exposed to sun or other words sun stimulate the freckles production. There are various causes of freckles development just as this ailment is passed from generation to generation or from parents to their children. Xeroderma pigmentation is also a cause of freckles, but it is occasionally. It is also a main cause in fair complexion people that their exposure to sun activate this process. Person having low amount of melanin content in their skin cause this skin disorder. In teenagers when hormones play an important role in this age group and imbalance of hormones also a main cause in young boys and girls..
Freckles is a dermatology disorders and it is best to consult your personal doctor first or consult dermatologist expert and definitely he will give you a best solution for this particular problem. Diet play an important role in the development of freckles and in this scenario eat fresh vegetables and whole grains to fulfill demand of vitamins. Vitamin B5 is beneficial in dry skin and this vitamin is available in different source like egg, milk, cabbage and yeast. Vitamin C is also helpful to reduce freckles condition because vitamin C protect the skin from sun damage. Lemon is a time tested remedy for freckles and it is simple way to reduce the marks of freckles, apply lemon juice on affected area with the help of finger. Regular washing of face with sour milk is also an effective remedy to reduce this problem, apply Castor oil on skin at night before going to bed. Rub red onion slices on freckles spots two times in a day to reduce freckles spots. Papaya juice is an effective remedy for freckles, take papaya juice and softly apply this of face or affected area. Apply this juice regularly to remove freckles from face or other parts of the body. There are some precaution about freckles protection like use the best quality sunscreen before going in the sun.


Written by Admin

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