Cancer, Cancer Causes

Crab is Latin word which mean cancer the history of cancer goes back from 460 BC – 370 BC. Cancer is the disease that is created by uncontrolled cell growth, there are about hundred of different types of cancer and all types of cancers are known from its type of cell which is initially affected. The main case of cancer is might be a carcinogen that affect the cells DNA and cause mutation with in it, under this influence the DNA start cell division that is uncontrolled.
The lumps is formed in the result of this uncontrolled division of cells, and this lumps is called the tumor. But it is not in the case of leukemia. These tumors release hormones that change the change the body function chemistry, some types of tumors has limited growth considered to be benign. The cancerous cell can move with in body using blood or lymphatic system. It destroy the new cells and tissue is known as invasion.
Cancer Causes
There are many causes of cancer like genetics, tobacco, diet, ultra violet radiations, Sun exposure and carcinogens. Cancer is transfer from generation to next generation through chromosomes in some families. tobacco is an other source of causing cancer which is common in all over the world, people who use cigarette, cigars and tobacco can suffer by the cancer like lungs cancer is common. In some cases like over weight and alcohol user also affect by cancer, similarly the radiation from sun can cause cancer of skin. Carcinogens which are present in different food items and in environment cause cancer.


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