Switch to a waistline-friendly diet


Research increasingly shows that eating certain types of foods is linked to a slimmer waistline. HFG expert and dietitian Helen Bond rounds up four categories of foods and the swaps you should make to integrate them into your diet…

1 Don’t ditch the dairy
Numerous studies show adults who consume low-fat dairy products as part of a lower-calorie diet tend to lose more weight – especially from around their waist – than those who skip dairy. It’s calcium that appears to work the magic – and it seems to be far more effective at blasting belly fat when it’s taken in the form of dairy foods rather than supplements.
SWAP semi-skimmed milk
FOR 1% fat or skimmed milk
SWAP full-fat Greek yogurt
FOR fat-free or 2% fat Greek yogurt
SWAP cheddar
FOR reduced-fat cheese, cottage cheese or quark
SWAP ice cream
FOR frozen low-fat yogurt
2 Eat fat to lose fat
We’re not talking about the stuff in cakes, chips and crisps, but heart-healthy monounsaturated fats found in olives and olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds. As well as helping to lower levels of LDL or bad cholesterol, research suggests this type of fat may help beat belly fat. Better still, lean red meat and plain chocolate are also a good source of monounsaturates. But bear in mind all these foods are still high in calories, so enjoy them in small amounts.
SWAP butter
FOR peanut butter
SWAP sunflower oil
FOR rapeseed or olive oil
SWAP crisps
FOR a few unsalted nuts
SWAP mayonnaise
FOR olive-oil-based dressings
SWAP tortilla chips
FOR olives
3 Go with the wholegrain
Swapping white processed carbs for wholegrains, such as wholewheat pasta, wholegrain cereals and breads, brown rice and oats, may help you lose fat from around your middle. In one large study, women who ate the most wholegrains – at least three servings – each day had waist measurements that were, on average, 3.3cm lower than those who ate none. One serving is equal to one slice of wholemeal bread, three to four crispbreads or 3tbsp wholegrain cereal.
SWAP cornflakes
FOR Shredded Wheat, Shreddies or Weetabix
SWAP white bread
FOR multigrain, rye or wholemeal bread
SWAP croissants
FOR wholemeal scones
SWAP white rice
FOR brown basmati rice
SWAP white risotto rice
FOR pearled spelt
SWAP biscuits
FOR oatcakes
4 Fish for waistline compliments
Although more studies are needed, some research suggests omega-3 fats found in oil-rich fish, such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout and fresh tuna, may help us lose weight, particularly from our stomachs. In one small Australian study, for example, adults who had the highest levels of omega-3 fat intakes in their blood had smaller waists. Health experts recommend we eat two portions of fish a week, one of which should be an oil-rich variety.
SWAP cheese on toast
FOR sardines on wholegrain toast
SWAP chicken caesar salad
FOR salade niçoise with fresh tuna
SWAP rump steak
FOR salmon steak
SWAP pork chops
FOR trout fillets


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