Plan is necessary part for every successful task, similarly weight loss is a tough job and it need a proper plan. Main reason of obesity is an easy lifestyle but here is weight loss plan for obese people.

In breakfast take brown bread, light fried egg with less sweet tea or without sugar tea.
In lunch take a light meal like steamed chicken with vegetable and russian salad.
In dinner the lunch schedule can repeated, with small quantity orange juice.

Avoid oil and its product while you can take it once in week but do not take sugar, salt and oily products or foods. Take fruits and legume food off and on, avoid fizzy drinks or beverages. Diet plan is necessary but you need a regular exercise and a light evening walk after dinner. Fast running or cycling are best exercises but if you can not do this then walk fast as you can, moreover change your life style and keep yourself cool and calm. Tension free life is also an important part of healthy life, moreover change your lifestyle and do your own work.


Written by Admin

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