Spring Break Body Fitness Plan

It may be hard to envision baring your arms, legs, and midsection for spring break—especially if you’re currently bundling up for frigid temps. But it’s coming! The good news: You have time to feel better about it. About 8 weeks! Instead of waiting till next month and panicking, use this plan to slowly sculpt a body that is ready for whatever fun in the sun you have planned.
This “8 Weeks to a Better Spring Break Body” fitness plan has been designed for the general exerciser* that’s not new to working out, but may have been inconsistent during the winter months. It’s broken up into four key areas that should be part of everyone’s fitness routine:CardioStrengthFlexibility & Core, and Active Rest. You’ll also find a new type of cardio incorporated within the plan: It’s called HIIT. Try adding these higher intensity, shorter-duration workouts at least 1 time per week.

Spring Break Prep Workouts

Three workouts have been designed exclusively for use as-is within this plan, or for general inspiration:
  1. Core + Flexibility Exclusive: Strengthening your core and stretching your muscles will not only help you stay fit while you’re engaging in other workouts and spring break activities, but this circuit will burn calories and help shape your mid-section. 45 seconds (or 30-seconds per side) per exercise, with 15 seconds rest in between
  2. Cardio + Strength Circuit: Once a week, combine your cardio and strength workout to increase the benefit. This quick-moving circuit will strengthen you from head to toe while challenging your heart’s health as well. 60 seconds per exercise, 15-30 seconds rest, 2 full circuits
  3. Total Body Strength Supersets: While your neighbors are putting in marathon sessions on the elliptical to burn enough calories to lose weight, you’ll reach your goals in half the time by adding total body strength training workouts like this. Remember: Building muscles is the way to reshape your body and increase the number of calories you can burn while working out—or even sipping tropical drinks by the pool. 2 sets per exercise: 10 upper body reps + 10 lower body reps

Interactive Fitness Plan

Use our interactive tool to get an overall guide regarding what you should be doing and for how long, and click on any day to learn more about the category (including example workouts and an explanation of why you’re doing what you’re doing!). Any day is a great day to start this 8-week plan! See a preview below.
Spring Break Body Plan Preview
*Times listed each day are minimums. Everyone’s starting point and abilities are different, so do what you can to begin and then build from there. You’ll be progressing in no time.


Written by Admin

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