Face is your identity and a clear, glowing and healthy face increase your personality. The dark circles under eyes are usually seen under eyes and above the cheek bone, under eyes circlehave no age limits. The main cause of these under eyes circle is insomnia meaning sleeping problem or similarly disturbed sleep. If the reason behind these circles are disturbed sleep, then it can be reversed by a complete bed rest however, these are a lot of other reasons for this. Taking too much caffeine or nicotine in the form of tea or coffee, allergy can be another cause of this under eyes dark circle.

There are other causes behind these eye circles like fatigue, long exposure to sun, long hours watching television and not complete bed rest. In case of allergy you have to visit professional dermatologist or physician. It can be due to dehydration and if yes, then take more liquid in the form of water, another cause may be a poor diet or malnutrition and for this change your diet plan. Alcohol consumption is also a cause of under eyes dark circle.
Some time various medicine causes side-effects and like contraceptive pills, smoking and mental stress are also be a cause of under eyes dark circle. Aging may be a factor behind this problem because in older age the skin under eyes become thin and sensitive. It may be due to inheritance or forwarding due to genetic trait to next offspring. However, what causes are behind this problem you have to consult your doctor and follow the instructions of your physician.


Written by Admin

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