Balanced Diet

Balanced diet is such type of diet that consist of all necessary foods with right amounts, that mainly consist of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nutrients, vitamins, mineral salts, and fiber. Balanced dietprovide energy and weight, without a balanced dietyou can not remain healthy. All the major groups of diet like carbohydrates provide energy for vital function of life, thats why we can move and grow but if someone take too much then result would be obese body.
Protein is necessary for repair and rapid growth, fat provide energy and vitamins are important for health. Similarly trace elements and minerals are beneficent for teeth, bones, muscles and blood formation.

Carbohydrates is present in these foods Beans, bananas, nuts, potatoes, cereals, and flour.
Proteins are two types animal proteins and plant protein, animal protein is available in meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. while the plant protein is available in peas, cereals, pulses, grains and seeds,


Fat containing items are butter, meat, cheese, cream, yogurt and milk.


Written by Admin

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