5 Unconventional Ways to Create Happiness in Your Life

Life isn’t always easy. There are so many obstacles, unforeseen dilemmas, twists and turns that throw us off our paths every single day. No one is immune to life’s pull, and no one is immune to feeling down and depressed every so often.
We all strive for happiness. Regarded as the best emotion we can experience, happiness is an intangible concept so many run after and sometimes never find throughout their lives. Happiness isn’t easy to find. And it’s even harder to hold on to.
There are the traditional and conventional ways to create happiness in your life. We all know finding someone to love, creating a family, going on vacation, or exercising are the easy go-to solutions for creating happiness in our lives. It’s easy to tell someone to exercise more or set aside time for a vacation.
What about the unconventional ways to create happiness? What about the subtler, yet more powerful ways to create a habit of happiness? Let’s explore five unconventional ways to achieve a permanent and long-lasting life of happiness.
1. Take Social Media Breaks

Social media is the source of so much negativity and antagonizing material today that it often leaves users angry and upset when they step away from their computers. People instantly develop a meaner online persona when they’re protected behind keyboards. Social media draws users into the latest trends, stories, and sometimes factually inaccurate news reporting almost instantly. It’s not good to spend hours every day reveling in the widespread negativity. Take a social media break whenever you can to focus on the positivity in your real, immediate life.
2. Be Nice To Your Parents
Sometimes easier said than done. But, your parents are your parents. Their unconditional love for you can’t ever be matched again. Parents can be overbearing and annoying, sure, but their dedication and devotion to you is unmatched. It’s important to keep people that important close to you. When people snap at their parents, they carry anger and guilt with them for months. Don’t snap at your parents. By withholding the negative remarks, you’ll be without guilt, and happiness will be easier to attain. Happiness can only exist if all other high-energy negative emotions are removed. Anger and guilt are two incredibly formidable opponents to happiness.
3. Get Enough Sleep
Everyone knows they should sleep more than they do. The first thing we sacrifice for work, socialization, and me-time is sleep. Fatigue and exhaustion are directly related to unhappiness. Think of the last time you slept five hours and then had to work all day. Were you in a bad mood? Of course you were! Now think of the last time you slept ten hours on a weekend night. Were you chipper as can be come Sunday? Probably. Take the time to invest in yourself and invest in quality sleep. Your overall mood and health will improve, bringing in more happiness than before.
4. Make Your Own Bed Every Morning
Minuscule chores like making beds are not a regular part of many people’s routines. When you’re rushing to work in the morning, you definitely don’t take the time to make your bed. It seems like a waste of time. But, making your own bed in the morning actually establishes a productive and positive tone for the whole day. It’s something you take the time to do for yourself. It forces you to get up and seize the day before it begins. It gives you a sense of accomplishment. Who doesn’t like to come home to a nice, cleanly made bed? It opens the doors for happiness to come in.
5. Save Money
Spending money can be fun. Who doesn’t like to buy some new clothes and jewelry? But happiness isn’t a fleeting feeling. Happiness is a long-term state of mind. This state of mind can’t be achieved if we feel unstable. Stability first and foremost comes from savings and financial bearing. Impulse purchases may feel good in that moment, but they won’t in a week when you can’t afford to pay the utilities bills. Refrain from throwing money away, and invest in your happiness by saving it for predictable stability. It’s a much more manageable feeling.
Apply these five unconventional ways to create happiness in your life. They’re all easy and obvious, so take the time to proactively incorporate them. None of them are expensive or time consuming. Invest in yourself, invest in your future, and invest in your happiness.


Written by Admin

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